What are Utilities & Logic Steps?

Utilities are versatile tools within Shopstory that enhance your Flows by performing essential tasks that aren’t tied to a specific app. They act as supportive building blocks, helping you manage, manipulate, and organize data and tasks more effectively.

Key Functions of Utilities

  1. Data Transformation:

    • Format or modify data to fit the requirements of your workflow.

    • Examples: Grouping of datasets or finding one datapoint in an entire dataset

  2. Logical Operations:

    • Add conditional logic to your flows, enabling smarter automation.

    • Examples: Use If-Else conditions to customize actions based on specific criteria.

    • Or add iterations to iteratively go over a list of elements and perform specific tasks per list element

  3. Utility-Specific Tasks:

    • Perform generic tasks like sending emails, managing delays, add variables or add comments to your Flow