How to work with Adgroup Resource Name?
The Adgroup Resource Name is a unique identifier used to specify a particular adgroup in your Google Ads account. For some actions used within Flows this might be a relevant input to further specify the adgroups you want to work with within your Flow.
You will find this information within other reports such as the Ad Group Ads Report.
Attached you see a step wise description how you can get to your Ad Group Resource Name and use it as input for eg. an Ad Groups Report.
1.) Setup your Ad Group Ads Report action
2.) Use an iteration to iterate over the Ad Group Ads Report and perform the Ad Groups Report per Ad Group Resource Name which equals to getting access to the Ad Groups Report per Ad Group.
3.) Add the Ad Group Resource Name from your iteration as input for your Ad Groups Report
DONE - That is all you need to make use of the Ad Group Resource Name. Alternatively you can add filter or conditions to filter for specific Ad Groups only. Or use the inspector or an export to a Google Sheet to access a list of all Ad Group Resource Names.