How to use "Try" Function


The Try function provides a fallback value when a calculation or operation fails. This is useful for handling errors gracefully in your flows, ensuring that failures do not break the entire process.

How to use:

try(statement, fallback)

  • statement: The primary operation or calculation to attempt.

  • fallback: The value to return if the statement fails due to an error.


  • If the statement executes successfully, the function returns the result of that statement.

  • If the statement fails (e.g., division by zero, an invalid reference, or a missing value), the function returns the fallback value instead.


  1. Handling Division by Zero

    try(math.div(100, 0), "Div by 0")

    Output: "Div by 0"
    Since dividing by zero is not allowed, the function returns the fallback value "Div by 0".

  2. Successful Calculation

    try(math.div(100, 10), "Div by 0")

    Output: 10
    The division operation succeeds, so the function returns 10 instead of the fallback.

  3. Providing a Numeric Fallback

    try(math.div(100, 0), 100)

    Output: 100
    The division fails, so instead of breaking the flow, the fallback value 100 is returned.

When to Use the "Try" Function

  • To avoid errors stopping your flow when working with external data or calculations.

  • To provide default values when an operation may fail, ensuring smooth execution.

  • To handle missing or invalid inputs without disrupting the automation.

By using Try, you can make your flows more resilient and prevent unnecessary failures in data processing!