How to use the ChatGPT Custom Prompt - JSON action

To ensure that ChatGPT (OpenAI) generates a JSON-formatted output, follow these best practices in your prompt:

1. Clearly Specify JSON Output

  • Explicitly state that the response must be in JSON format.

  • Example:

    "Generate the response strictly in JSON format without additional text."

2. Define the JSON Structure

  • Provide an example of the expected structure.

  • Example:

    "Generate a JSON object with the following structure: { "title": "string", "description": "string", "tags": ["string"] }."

3. Use Explicit Field Names and Data Types

  • Mention required fields and expected data types.

  • Example:plaintextCopyEditGenerate a JSON response with this structure: { "name": "string", "age": "integer", "email": "string", "preferences": { "theme": "string", "notifications": "boolean" } }

4. Avoid Unnecessary Explanations

  • Request the response without additional text before or after the JSON.

  • Example:

    "Output only the JSON object—do not include any explanatory text."

Attached you see an example how such a prompt and system prompt might look like (1).