How does the formula builder work?
The formula builder consists of several elements:
(1) The source data set refers to the data which is available within the given source you picked. This is also the area you usually start in when using the formula builder, by that you can quickly select the data you desire to use. (5) Provides a description of the selected component.
In field (2) you state your data or formula you want to use. Under (3) you will later on find a preview data set of the linked data set available to us.
In (4) you will see instant validation of your formula informing you whether or not the formula is correctly set up. A proper error message should help you resolving any issues, in any case feel free to contact our support chat if you need further help!
When creating a formula you can either select an element from the list or just type in your search term (6). As a result you will see all elements matching your term.